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A depository can be compared to a bank. It holds securities such as shares, debentures, bonds, government securities, units etc. of investors in electronic form. There are two depositories in India. The National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)and Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL). An individual who desires to avail the depository services can approach a Depository Participant (DP). Sri Shirdi Capital is a depository participant of NSDL. Investors can open demat accounts with NSDL through Sri Shirdi Capital. One can approach our nearest branch for opening of demat account. Upon activation of the demat account, a Welcome Letter is sent to the customer along with the Delivery Instruction Slip book. Dematerialisation and trading in the demat mode is the safer and faster alternative to the physical existence of securities. Demat as a parallel solution offers freedom from delays, thefts, forgeries, settlement risks and paper work. Sri Shirdi Capital depository Services offers dematerialisation services to individual and corporate Investor.
Depository facilities offered by SRI SHIRDI CAPITAL
  Dematerialisation of shares – Customer can convert their physical certificate to electronic form by surrendering the physical certificate along with DRF (Demat request forms) at any of our branch.
  Re-materialization: Re-materialization enables you to convert the dematerialised shares into physical form.
  Pledge: You can pledge securities to avail a loan against your demat shares
  Transfer of shares: You can transfer securities from one demat account to another by giving delivery instruction to us
  Right issue – All corporate benefit including right issue will automatically credited to your demat account
  IPOs: In case you have applied for an IPO and receive an allotment then the securities are transferred directly to your demat account. The same applies for bonus and rights issues.
  Statement of Transaction - If there is any transaction during the month then statement of transaction will be send to you on monthly basis otherwise statement of holding will be send on quarterly basis. If your e-mail id is registered with us then transaction statement will be mailed to you on daily basis
  EASI: If you register for Easi (Electronic Access to Securities Information) services, then you can find out online information of your demat account in CDSL Web site (
Dos and Don'ts
  Ensure that, both, your holding and transaction statements are received periodically. You are entitled to receive a transaction statement every month if you have done any transactions and once a quarter if there have been no transactions in your account. If you are not receiving transaction statement please contact at your nearest branch or write us at or call us at 0866 – 6667563·
  Check the statement on receipt. In case you notice any unauthorized debits or credits, contact us immediately for clarification.
  Inform us immediately in case of change in your address, telephone number, etc along with modification forms (you can down load from our website) and please give us proof of new address / new bank details.
  While sending securities for demat, keep record of distinctive, folio numbers of the securities sent.
  Before sending for demat please check whether company is admitted for demat or not.
  Like a cheque book, keep your delivery instruction slip (DIS) book in safe custody.
  Accept the DIS book from your DP only if each slip has been pre-stamped with a serial number and your demat account number.
  Always mention the details like ISIN, number of securities accurately. If in doubt, contact your broker or us.
  Authorize any corrections, over- writing or cancellations on the delivery instruction slips by all account holders.
  Ensure that all joint holders of the demat account sign the delivery instruction slip.
  Strike out the blank space for furnishing securities details.
  Avail Auto Pay in facility by giving limited POA to us.
  Inform us immediately if the delivery instruction misplaced or lost.
  Do not leave your instruction slip book with anyone else.
  Do not sign blank DIS, as it is equivalent to a bearer cheque.
  Avoid over-writing, cancellations, misspellings, changing of the name and quantity of securities.
  Do not give any signed blank delivery instruction to any body.
We would request you to meticulously follow the above instructions, to enjoy hassle-free operation of your demat account.
FAQs on Depository
1. What is a ‘Depository and dematerialisation’?
Ans: A depository is an organization where the securities of an investor are held in electronic form. A depository can be compared to a bank. To avail of the services of a depository, an investor has to open an account with the Depository through a depository participant, just as he opens an account with the bank. Holding shares in the account is a kin to holding money in the bank. Dematerialisation is a process in which your physical certificates get converted to an equal number of securities into electronic form which is credited into your demat account with your Depository Participant (DP) In order to dematerialise the certificates, you will first has to open an account with a Depository Participant. Then you have to request for the dematerialisation of your certificates by filling up a dematerialisation request form [DRF], which is available with your DP.
2. Whether it is compulsory for me to dematerialise my physical certificates?
Ans: As per the Depository Act of 1996, you have an option to hold shares either in physical or dematerialized form
3. Which shares I can demat?
Ans: Your share certificates that are already registered in your name and the said securities admitted for dematerialisation by CDSL.
4. Can odd lot shares be demated?
Ans: Yes you can also dematerialise your odd lot shares.
5. Can I demat partly paid shares?
Ans: Yes it can be as required by you.
6. What will happen to my original share certificates?
Ans: On dematerialisation, your original share certificates would be cancelled, even if you rematerialise your share certificates you will not receive the certificates with the same distinctive numbers as they become irrelevant on dematerialization.
7. What is rematerlisation?
Ans: It is to convert your dematerialised holdings back to the physical form. For rematerialisation you would have to forward your request to us, which will be verified for the balances you possess and your request will forward to the registrar (Share transfer agent) who will print the certificates and dispatch them to you.
8. What benefit I will get by demating my shares ?
  On purchase, your account with us will be credited with the requisite shares.
  Problems of bad delivery, fake certificates, shares under litigation, signature difference of the transferor (s) etc.
  Physical filling of transfer forms and affixing of share transfer stamps is not required.
  Also you are relieved from the risks of loss of certificates or fraudulent interception of certificates.
  Saving of stamp duty on transfer of shares.
  Easy distribution of corporate benefit ( like Dividend/ bonus shares etc).
  Low interest rates on loans granted against pledge of dematerialized securities by banks.
  Fast settlement cycles.
9. Who is a Beneficiary Owner (BO)?
Ans: Any person wish to hold shares in demat forms can be a beneficiary owner . it can be individual , corporate , NRI , HUF , Trust (Partnership firms are not allowed to open demat account).
10. What is a BO Id?
Ans: The demat account number allotted to the beneficiary holder(s) By DP is known as the BO Id. (Beneficiary ID ) . In CDSL it is 16 digits number.
11. What is a DP Id?
Ans: A DP Id is the number of the depository participant allotted by the Depository. For SRI SHIRDI CAPITAL it is IN303165.
12. How do I effect my transactions through the DP?
Ans: Once you have opened an account with a DP you can buy and sell shares in the electronic form, provided the buyer/seller holds shares in the electronic form.You can sell your shares through any broker, all you need to do give a delivery instruction to your DP to transfer shares from your account to your broker account.On buying shares in the depository mode, you must similarly inform the broker about your depository account details so that the shares bought would be recredited to your account with the DP.
13. What about rights and bonus shares, how do I get them when allotted?
Ans: You will get a credit to your account with the DP at your option.
14. What about dividends, which the company pays on my dematerialised shares?
Ans: You will get your dividend warrants in the same manner as before the company will sent it to you irrespective of whether your stock are dematerialised or are in physical form.
15. What about corporate benefits? Are there options with regard to the manner in which the benefits will reach me?
Ans: Corporate entitlements will be made in the same form as their original holding. You will have a choice with regards to right issues or optional conversion of debentures to shares between physical or electronic mode. However in case of bonus it will be in the same form as your original holding.
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